This is the list of all supported fields that our API accepts. You can see examples of the use of these fields in various scenarios here.
Field | Part of Node | Example | Data Type | Max Length | Additional Notes |
lineItems | Beginning of node. | Required | |||
unitPrice | lineItems | 1.01 | Decimal | Required, can be 0 | |
itemCode | lineItems | COMP CHOCOLATES 1LB | String | 20 | Required |
quantity | lineItems | 1 | Number | Required, must be > 0 | |
alternateOrderNumber | scenario_1 | String | 24 | Optional, vendor specific | |
ownerCode | SR | String | 2 | Required, valid value provided by SRS. | |
orderClass | DEFAULT | String | 18 | Optional, defaults to ‘DEFAULT’ | |
campaignCode | DEF | String | 10 | Optional, defaults to ‘DEF’ | |
discountApplied | 0 | Decimal | Required, dollar value, if a discount has been applied. Leave blank otherwise. | ||
orderOrigination | phone | String | Optional i | ||
orderTotal | 1.01 | Decimal | Required ii | ||
tax | 0 | Decimal | Optional | ||
shippingAmount | 0 | Decimal | Required if the order total includes shipping. Leave blank otherwise. | ||
shipVia | RG1 | String | 6 | Required. Go here for common values. NOTE! If length is greater than 6 or the shipVia code is invalid, the API will set the code to a default of ‘RG1’. | |
orderDate | 2014-03-12T16:00:00Z | Date Time | Required, use W3C subset of ISO 8601 formats | ||
PO | String | 24 | Optional | ||
orderSourceId | 5 | String | 1 | Required, valid value provided by SRS. | |
userDefined1 | Custom Data 1 | String | 30 | Optional. Contact ShipRight if you plan to use any User Defined fields. | |
userDefined2 | Custom Data 2 | String | 30 | Optional. Contact ShipRight if you plan to use any User Defined fields. | |
userDefined3 | Custom Data 3 | String | 30 | Optional. Contact ShipRight if you plan to use any User Defined fields. | |
shipToSameAsBillTo | true | True/False | Required, true or false. Pass false if the orderedBy address is not the same as the shipTo address. If true, include a shiptTo node. It contains all the same fields in orderedBy. | ||
orderedBy | Beginning of node. | Required | |||
customerId | orderedBy | 9876543 | Number | Optional iii | |
address | orderedBy | Beginning of node. | Required | ||
standardized | orderedBy, address | true | True/False | Optional iv | |
orderedBy, address | bilbo@bagend.com | String | 100 | Optional, but highly recommended. Note that a malformed email address results in a validation error. If no email, leave blank. | |
attention | orderedBy, address | String | 35 | Optional | |
address1 | orderedBy, address | LOBBY 2 | String | 35 | Optional |
address2 | orderedBy, address | 125 HIGH ST | String | 35 | Required |
city | orderedBy, address | BOSTON | String | 30 | Required |
region | orderedBy, address | MA | String | 35 | Required |
country | orderedBy, address | USA | String | 35 | Required |
postalCode | orderedBy, address | 02110-2770 | String | 10 | Required |
plus4 | orderedBy, address | String | 4 | Optional. | |
phones | orderedBy | Beginning of node. | Optional | ||
phoneType | orderedBy, phones | Mobile | String | Optional, one of Daytime, Mobile, Work, Fax, Other | |
countryCode | orderedBy, phones | 123 | String | Optional | |
areaCode | orderedBy, phones | String | Optional | ||
phoneNumber | orderedBy, phones | 1234567 | String | 15 | Optional, use this if all you have is a single edit field for phone number. |
alternateCustomerNumber | orderedBy | bilbo_1 | String | Optional | |
title | orderedBy | Mr | String | 25 | Optional |
first | orderedBy | Bilbo | String | 25 | Optional if fullName is not empty |
middle | orderedBy | String | 25 | Optional | |
last | orderedBy | Baggins | String | 25 | optional if fullName is not empty |
fullName | orderedBy | String | 35 | Optional if first and last supplied | |
payment | Beginning of node. | Required v | |||
paymentMethodCode | payment | I | String | 1 | Required, valid codes provided by SRS. vi |
prePaid | payment | true | True/False | Required, true or false | |
paymentInstrumentType | payment | INVOICE | String | Required, one of CREDITCARD, PAPERCHECK, ECHECK, INVOICE, PAYPAL, CASH | |
payment | invoice”: { | Beginning of node. | Required, payment method details, see Payment Objects |
[i] orderOrigination is where the order originally came from, one of ‘none’, ‘phone’, ‘mail’, ‘web’, ‘other’. For example, if an order is placed over the phone and entered into a shopping cart, orderOrigination would be ‘phone’.
[ii] orderTotal must match the sum of all line item prices, tax and shippingAmount. If there was a discount applied, that needs to be accounted for as well in the orderTotal. If the orderTotal doesn’t match the sum, the order will be rejected for being out of balance.
[iii]If the order is placed by an existing customer and you have the customerId we assigned , you can include that to speed up processing. If the customer info is different than what we have in our database, it will be updated to match the new info you send us. Be aware that passing us an incorrect customerId could result in delaying the order or worse, updating the wrong customer. Be sure you are passing us the correct customerId, if you choose to use this feature.
[iv] The ShipRight Order API attempts to standardize incoming addresses. If successful, the standardized address is used for shipping and returned in the response. Included in the response is a field under address called standardized with a value of true if standardized and false otherwise. If possible, save the standardized address and set standardized to true in future requests, so the API will not attempt to standardize the address. This will speed up order processing.
[v] A payment node is required. The paymentMethodCode is specific to the kinds of payments a Merchant accepts and is issued by ShipRight. paymentInstrumentType is one of CREDITCARD, PAPERCHECK, ECHECK, INVOICE, PAYPAL, CASH. For each payment instrument type, a detail child node is required. See the Payment Objects page for more details and examples.
[vi] If a credit card is used for payment, paymentMethodCode indicates the card issuer, i.e. Visa, Amex, etc. Each issuer is assigned an issuer identification number (IIN) to uniquely identify it. The IIN consists of the first six digits of a card number. Therefore, the paymentMethodCode and the credit card number must agree. For example, if the paymentMethodCode indicates that the card was issued by Visa, then the first number of the card must be ‘4’. If the card number starts with any other number the API considers this a validation error (error message = ‘Invalid issuer identification number’).